District 5 News:
News from the latest town council meeting November 17, 2010.
The Solar System Model and Trail ribbon cutting and opening on Saturday, November 13, 2010, was a success/ we had about 200 in attendance and the rain held off long enough for many to walk the trail. It is now officially open for use and the remaining solar system panels are going in. The trail is located along the west entrance drive to Meijer off of German Church rd and extends all the way to 600 west. The next phase is the planning and right of way acquisition is the Buck Creek Trail portion headed north along the creek. This is being initially funded by state money left from the original Pennsy Trail state grant.
I gave a report on the Hancock Economic Development Council. In the past year or so the HEDC has been instrumental in bringing business to Hancock County, not in Cumberland yet but getting closer. Interdell coming in up at Mt. Comfort area means employees will be looking for housing and Cumberland will almost certainly be on the list. Stanley/Black and Decker in Shelbyville has decided to consolidate that factory with one in Connecticut and relocate both to the Eaton plant in Greenfield and Covance has almost doubled the number of jobs they have in the past 2 yrs. There is also a company relocating from Marion County to Fortville which is bringing jobs. I believe that any companies coming to Hancock county, especially the west side, is good for the county and good for Cumberland because all of those employees will have to live and shop somewhere and hopefully some will look at Cumberland. The HEDC has a couple of more possibilities that I can not elaborate on yet. I can say that a majority of the businesses that locate here come as leads through the HEDC and with out that organization the possibility of growth would drop a good amount.
The purchase of GEM utilities has gone through and the town is now in the process of working on the billing system integration with our current version.
The town council has voted in favor of approving the Autumn Woods changes requested by the potential developer Pulte Homes by a vote of 4-1 with mine being the nay vote. I expressed my concern that we were allowing the requirements to fall back down to what they were when asked for originally years ago.
The Washington street project is wrapping up for the year and INDOT has told us they hope to have the barrels gone by the end of November. The street lights are still an issue as a billing question with INDOT and the manufacturer being behind schedule have delayed their construction and install.
The town legal council has introduced an ordinance regard the owning and keeping of farm livestock on properties with in the town limits. We had an issue where horses, goats and other farm animals were being kept at a residence in the old part of town. We have since had at least one resident request that changes to this be made to make is possible to keep a small number chickens for personal egg supply be included. This change was included in the final introduced draft.
Joe Siefker
Cumberland town council.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Town News 11/3/10
District 5 News:
News from the latest town council meeting November 3, 2010.
Chief Crooke introduced Sheriff Elect of Hancock County, Mike Shepherd. Shepherd has worked with our chief over the years and he is looking forward to working with him in the future. He is making visits to all of the localities in Hancock county to better foster communication.
There will be a Solar System Model and Trail ribbon cutting and opening on Saturday, November 13, 2010, at 10:00 a.m. at the EARTH panel of the solar system. This is located along the west entrance drive to Meijer off of German Church rd. Everyone in the community is invited to attend. There will be guest speakers possibly including a NASA astronaut. The trail is already a big hit with many citizens using it on a daily basis.
Buck Creek Fire Department, reported that the Department was recently donated one engine, one heavy duty rescue vehicle and two ambulances from the Volunteer Corporation of Castleton (also known as Lawrence Township) because of the merger of Lawrence Township with Marion County. This will also provide them with about 20 additional, trained, volunteers. I also reported that I received a call from Mel Branson, Township trustee, about the newly acquired equipment and where it might be used. Though the Town cannot afford it now, it would be nice if perhaps in the future the town could build its own station and the Buck Creek Fire Department would staff it with the equipment and volunteers. This may help cut back the amount we pay for fire service from Buck Creek. We will have to see what the future holds.
The Hugo Street and Cumberland Proper Phase II storm drain projects are coming right along. They have been walked-through by Wessler and Council members, and bids should take place soon. They have been talking with residents in the area affected. We have identified these as major, urgent project for the next fiscal year as Hugo street is sinking in many spots and the proper phase II area is the part of old town south of Washington st and still retain the original sewer system which has been falling apart for years and causing other infrastructure issues.
The town manager gave an update on the Washington street project and mentioned INDOT’s focus is currently on the stretch between Town Hall and Grassy Creek (Kroger). INDOT will install a new concrete manhole structure at Hugo Street that will replace the current brick one at no cost to the Town. It was also reported that several side streets will be closed for up to two weeks at a time (for curing) in order to install crosswalks. This depends upon the weather (temperature and rain). If weather delays this, it will be next spring before they finish crosswalks. There have been issues with the project recently with town underground assets being discovered during the project and we have been very fortunate that INDOT has agreed to replace or repair to remedy the issues at not cost to the town. The pipes and lines they have found were not on the town maps but are part of our system.
Central Indiana Power, the Town, and the Valley Brook Village Home Owner’s Association have come to an agreement that will not be costly to either the HOA or the Town concerning the tree trimming along 21st Street. It will cost approximately $20,000 to move the power lines and put them under ground at CIP’s cost. They are still working on obtaining Right-of-Way from two home owners necessary to use to go between their houses. I am glad to see this remedy and thanks to the HOA representative for their work on this. I stated to the town and CIP that the lines were underground before the work was done and I was going to hold firm to my stance that they should be put back underground and avoid cutting down trees.
The town street department is currently in leaf pick up mode and pretty much on schedule. Hopefully the leaves fall before the snow flies. Areas of Cobblefield, and Valley Brook Village are not routinely on the schedule do to the low number of trees and hence low number of leaves but we do pay into the town for pick up as part of our taxes, so if you have leaves rake them towards the edge of the road but not in the road and call the town to be sure they know to come by.
Joe Siefker
Cumberland town council.
News from the latest town council meeting November 3, 2010.
Chief Crooke introduced Sheriff Elect of Hancock County, Mike Shepherd. Shepherd has worked with our chief over the years and he is looking forward to working with him in the future. He is making visits to all of the localities in Hancock county to better foster communication.
There will be a Solar System Model and Trail ribbon cutting and opening on Saturday, November 13, 2010, at 10:00 a.m. at the EARTH panel of the solar system. This is located along the west entrance drive to Meijer off of German Church rd. Everyone in the community is invited to attend. There will be guest speakers possibly including a NASA astronaut. The trail is already a big hit with many citizens using it on a daily basis.
Buck Creek Fire Department, reported that the Department was recently donated one engine, one heavy duty rescue vehicle and two ambulances from the Volunteer Corporation of Castleton (also known as Lawrence Township) because of the merger of Lawrence Township with Marion County. This will also provide them with about 20 additional, trained, volunteers. I also reported that I received a call from Mel Branson, Township trustee, about the newly acquired equipment and where it might be used. Though the Town cannot afford it now, it would be nice if perhaps in the future the town could build its own station and the Buck Creek Fire Department would staff it with the equipment and volunteers. This may help cut back the amount we pay for fire service from Buck Creek. We will have to see what the future holds.
The Hugo Street and Cumberland Proper Phase II storm drain projects are coming right along. They have been walked-through by Wessler and Council members, and bids should take place soon. They have been talking with residents in the area affected. We have identified these as major, urgent project for the next fiscal year as Hugo street is sinking in many spots and the proper phase II area is the part of old town south of Washington st and still retain the original sewer system which has been falling apart for years and causing other infrastructure issues.
The town manager gave an update on the Washington street project and mentioned INDOT’s focus is currently on the stretch between Town Hall and Grassy Creek (Kroger). INDOT will install a new concrete manhole structure at Hugo Street that will replace the current brick one at no cost to the Town. It was also reported that several side streets will be closed for up to two weeks at a time (for curing) in order to install crosswalks. This depends upon the weather (temperature and rain). If weather delays this, it will be next spring before they finish crosswalks. There have been issues with the project recently with town underground assets being discovered during the project and we have been very fortunate that INDOT has agreed to replace or repair to remedy the issues at not cost to the town. The pipes and lines they have found were not on the town maps but are part of our system.
Central Indiana Power, the Town, and the Valley Brook Village Home Owner’s Association have come to an agreement that will not be costly to either the HOA or the Town concerning the tree trimming along 21st Street. It will cost approximately $20,000 to move the power lines and put them under ground at CIP’s cost. They are still working on obtaining Right-of-Way from two home owners necessary to use to go between their houses. I am glad to see this remedy and thanks to the HOA representative for their work on this. I stated to the town and CIP that the lines were underground before the work was done and I was going to hold firm to my stance that they should be put back underground and avoid cutting down trees.
The town street department is currently in leaf pick up mode and pretty much on schedule. Hopefully the leaves fall before the snow flies. Areas of Cobblefield, and Valley Brook Village are not routinely on the schedule do to the low number of trees and hence low number of leaves but we do pay into the town for pick up as part of our taxes, so if you have leaves rake them towards the edge of the road but not in the road and call the town to be sure they know to come by.
Joe Siefker
Cumberland town council.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
town council news 10/6/10
District 5 News:
News from the latest town council meeting September 15, 2010.
The council voted on the 2011 budget. It passed with a vote of 4-1 with mine being the lone NAY vote. I have raised concern about the increase in the budget and the whole process. We were told we could make cuts but once it is introduced it is more complicated to make any changes with out everyone in agreement. In my opinion the budget, with any cuts or changes needs to be done before it goes to public introduction then it can be voted on in a timely manner with out any chaos. All of my concern may have made a difference because the council members have asked that the department heads look at their budget and reduce it back to 2010 levels so there will be no increase in the totals. My hopes are that they go back down close but may be a bit above 2010 due to increases in costs for equipment, supplies and contractors. I did make my own proposals for changes amounting to 250k reductions. These may be doable or may not but felt it was my job to help find cuts where I saw the potential.
The bridges are in on the Pennsy trail. There is however some paint touch up needed which will be addressed by the manufacturer. This trail project has gotten so much interest from the press, the local residents and other distant entities that it really has me amazed.
This fall there is a referendum on the ballot for the schools. Everyone should go to the MVCSC web site to learn about it and even calculate the amount it will increase your tax bill. For a home with a total assessed value of around 175,000 the tax bill for this will be about $100.00 give or take. Now for a TOTALLY personal view. It does make me angry that the schools and government spend our tax dollars bailing out businesses, the financial sector and home buyers who bought more than they could afford. It makes me angry that the school boards use our tax dollars to build taj mahal’s for schools (nice marble floors and glass roofs do not make a child any smarter). But it is even more disheartening that these kids will be expected to pay back all of this spending and now we have to tell them they can not get the full range of education they need with out paying more to the schools for teachers and classes. They are the ones who are going to suffer at both ends. We really do need music and art and AP classes, I think we really do need forms of physical education in school because many Americans are unhealthy and it starts in childhood.
They have laid the final coat of surface on Washington street from town hall the Buck creek. They have also moved some of the barrels to the side of the road. I continue to ask to have them get all the barrels gone and be done with that end soon.
The owner of GEM utilities would still like to sell us the utilities and since he has made a huge rate increase I think the customers would like it as well. The town is still looking at a financing arrangement and I will be designed so there is no more outlay by the town and the payments will be made by those customers.
The farmers market will be wrapping up the season on Oct 30th and we will have entertainment in the form of a rock/reggae musician from Tennessee. We will also have a classic car cruise in that day so if you have a classic or antique car and want to bring it out you are very welcome. No fee, just hang out and enjoy the cars, music and market.
Joe Siefker
Cumberland town council.
News from the latest town council meeting September 15, 2010.
The council voted on the 2011 budget. It passed with a vote of 4-1 with mine being the lone NAY vote. I have raised concern about the increase in the budget and the whole process. We were told we could make cuts but once it is introduced it is more complicated to make any changes with out everyone in agreement. In my opinion the budget, with any cuts or changes needs to be done before it goes to public introduction then it can be voted on in a timely manner with out any chaos. All of my concern may have made a difference because the council members have asked that the department heads look at their budget and reduce it back to 2010 levels so there will be no increase in the totals. My hopes are that they go back down close but may be a bit above 2010 due to increases in costs for equipment, supplies and contractors. I did make my own proposals for changes amounting to 250k reductions. These may be doable or may not but felt it was my job to help find cuts where I saw the potential.
The bridges are in on the Pennsy trail. There is however some paint touch up needed which will be addressed by the manufacturer. This trail project has gotten so much interest from the press, the local residents and other distant entities that it really has me amazed.
This fall there is a referendum on the ballot for the schools. Everyone should go to the MVCSC web site to learn about it and even calculate the amount it will increase your tax bill. For a home with a total assessed value of around 175,000 the tax bill for this will be about $100.00 give or take. Now for a TOTALLY personal view. It does make me angry that the schools and government spend our tax dollars bailing out businesses, the financial sector and home buyers who bought more than they could afford. It makes me angry that the school boards use our tax dollars to build taj mahal’s for schools (nice marble floors and glass roofs do not make a child any smarter). But it is even more disheartening that these kids will be expected to pay back all of this spending and now we have to tell them they can not get the full range of education they need with out paying more to the schools for teachers and classes. They are the ones who are going to suffer at both ends. We really do need music and art and AP classes, I think we really do need forms of physical education in school because many Americans are unhealthy and it starts in childhood.
They have laid the final coat of surface on Washington street from town hall the Buck creek. They have also moved some of the barrels to the side of the road. I continue to ask to have them get all the barrels gone and be done with that end soon.
The owner of GEM utilities would still like to sell us the utilities and since he has made a huge rate increase I think the customers would like it as well. The town is still looking at a financing arrangement and I will be designed so there is no more outlay by the town and the payments will be made by those customers.
The farmers market will be wrapping up the season on Oct 30th and we will have entertainment in the form of a rock/reggae musician from Tennessee. We will also have a classic car cruise in that day so if you have a classic or antique car and want to bring it out you are very welcome. No fee, just hang out and enjoy the cars, music and market.
Joe Siefker
Cumberland town council.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Town Council News 9/1/10
District 5 News:
News from the latest town council meeting September 1, 2010.
The Cumberland Arts goes to Market was a big success. Twice the size of last year and at times so many people walking down Saturn that you couldn’t squeeze by. We had some great arts vendors, the farmers market vendors and music and performances at 2 tents. The rain even held off except for the one 10min rain about 2:30.
We had a guest from the Hancock County Education Alliance (HCEA) speak to the council. There has been many meetings about this topic in Greenfield of late and many citizen groups involved. He did say that they were going ahead with opening and will be using empty building space until an investor comes on board and builds at Progress Park and that they will be leasing any structure not building it.
We approved the spending of funds on inside and outside video cameras for around town hall. These funds are from a JAG grant and a Homeland Security grant.
We are also looking at alarm systems for the town buildings but will need to check the current budgets for these departments before we can determine weather to go ahead or not.
The town is working with Central Indian Power regarding the trees vs power line issue on 21st st and Buck Creek road. The lines were moved from in ground to above ground when 21st was rebuilt. Now the trees are growing up around the power lives and CIP wants to cut them down. We will continue to work with them on this issue.
The town is having DEA drug toss on Sept 25th. Residents are encouraged to bring there out dated prescription and over the counter drugs to the town for proper disposal by the DEA. Just use a marker to cross out any names or cut the name of the label but leave the drug name intact which will make it easier to dispose properly.
We received what I believe to be the final draft of the 2011 budget and I am very disappointed that it has an overall increase of over 500,000 and we have no large project currently scheduled for the next year. The increases seem to be across all departments which to me if we are going to increase for a big project then that fund is where we would have the increase. The first budget that I was in office for was the 2009 which had a increase of 5% and I voted against it. The 2010 budget had a decrease of 8% and I felt we were moving in the right direction. Now this 2011 budget has a 12% increase and I will be voting NO. I offered some suggestions to help get the budget down but they were not included. One Council is asking for 35,000 to pay a professional firm to maintain the plantings in the medians being build down Washington st. Another councilman was pushing for spending 750,000 to expand town hall. This last one did not make it in but the previous one was at a lesser amount. I was asking for funding for another police officer and that may not happen as I had hoped.
The Pennsy trail is still on schedule to open on time this fall (NOV 1) and there will be a ribbon cutting scheduled around that time.
The Washington street project is many months behind schedule and will miss the completion date of this fall and will be finished in the spring. I will again be asking that all of the barrels be removed from the road way before winter weather sets in.
We will be looking at preliminary work to rebuild the sewer and roadway on Hugo. There are many spots where the road is starting sink into the ground due to storm sewer breakdowns.
The Farmers Market is still going until the end of Oct and I will be there this sat 9/11 to work the towns welcome tent. Stop by and get your weekly produce and say Hi.
Joe Siefker
Cumberland town council Dist 5
News from the latest town council meeting September 1, 2010.
The Cumberland Arts goes to Market was a big success. Twice the size of last year and at times so many people walking down Saturn that you couldn’t squeeze by. We had some great arts vendors, the farmers market vendors and music and performances at 2 tents. The rain even held off except for the one 10min rain about 2:30.
We had a guest from the Hancock County Education Alliance (HCEA) speak to the council. There has been many meetings about this topic in Greenfield of late and many citizen groups involved. He did say that they were going ahead with opening and will be using empty building space until an investor comes on board and builds at Progress Park and that they will be leasing any structure not building it.
We approved the spending of funds on inside and outside video cameras for around town hall. These funds are from a JAG grant and a Homeland Security grant.
We are also looking at alarm systems for the town buildings but will need to check the current budgets for these departments before we can determine weather to go ahead or not.
The town is working with Central Indian Power regarding the trees vs power line issue on 21st st and Buck Creek road. The lines were moved from in ground to above ground when 21st was rebuilt. Now the trees are growing up around the power lives and CIP wants to cut them down. We will continue to work with them on this issue.
The town is having DEA drug toss on Sept 25th. Residents are encouraged to bring there out dated prescription and over the counter drugs to the town for proper disposal by the DEA. Just use a marker to cross out any names or cut the name of the label but leave the drug name intact which will make it easier to dispose properly.
We received what I believe to be the final draft of the 2011 budget and I am very disappointed that it has an overall increase of over 500,000 and we have no large project currently scheduled for the next year. The increases seem to be across all departments which to me if we are going to increase for a big project then that fund is where we would have the increase. The first budget that I was in office for was the 2009 which had a increase of 5% and I voted against it. The 2010 budget had a decrease of 8% and I felt we were moving in the right direction. Now this 2011 budget has a 12% increase and I will be voting NO. I offered some suggestions to help get the budget down but they were not included. One Council is asking for 35,000 to pay a professional firm to maintain the plantings in the medians being build down Washington st. Another councilman was pushing for spending 750,000 to expand town hall. This last one did not make it in but the previous one was at a lesser amount. I was asking for funding for another police officer and that may not happen as I had hoped.
The Pennsy trail is still on schedule to open on time this fall (NOV 1) and there will be a ribbon cutting scheduled around that time.
The Washington street project is many months behind schedule and will miss the completion date of this fall and will be finished in the spring. I will again be asking that all of the barrels be removed from the road way before winter weather sets in.
We will be looking at preliminary work to rebuild the sewer and roadway on Hugo. There are many spots where the road is starting sink into the ground due to storm sewer breakdowns.
The Farmers Market is still going until the end of Oct and I will be there this sat 9/11 to work the towns welcome tent. Stop by and get your weekly produce and say Hi.
Joe Siefker
Cumberland town council Dist 5
Friday, August 13, 2010
Sad, sad, sad
The Demoncrats have had control of the entire federal government for almost 2 years yet the President has accomplished nothing. Nothing to get us out of the recession, nothing to decrease unemployment. The only thing he has done is increase the deficit and debt and blame others for the problems he said he could fix.
We have Nancy Pelosi, who talked about getting rid of bad apples in government and two of her parties members in her own house are in ethics troubles, Rangel and Waters (one has already played the race card). The President went through numerous Democrats to fill positions in his cabinet when he took office because they kept with drawing their names due to past tax and corruption issues.
Two more state house reps in New Hampshire are tweeting and blogging how they feel Sarah Palin should have some type of mortal injury.
The Dem governer of Illinois is currently on trial for corruption, which seems to happen a lot there.
It's just sad. I am only waiting now for them to blame the republicans for making them corrupt.
UDPATE: and we have a winner. Waters from Cal just had a press conference where she blamed Bush for her corruption.
We have Nancy Pelosi, who talked about getting rid of bad apples in government and two of her parties members in her own house are in ethics troubles, Rangel and Waters (one has already played the race card). The President went through numerous Democrats to fill positions in his cabinet when he took office because they kept with drawing their names due to past tax and corruption issues.
Two more state house reps in New Hampshire are tweeting and blogging how they feel Sarah Palin should have some type of mortal injury.
The Dem governer of Illinois is currently on trial for corruption, which seems to happen a lot there.
It's just sad. I am only waiting now for them to blame the republicans for making them corrupt.
UDPATE: and we have a winner. Waters from Cal just had a press conference where she blamed Bush for her corruption.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Town News 8/4/10
District 5 News:
News from the latest town council meeting August 4, 2010.
The city of Indy passed the operations of the water system to Citizens gas and they will in turn retain the water service advisory board which the town manager is on. I bring this up so that we will know how things are going and hopefully avoid the dramatic increase in water bills that Veolia was considering.
A couple of Tuesdays ago the road construction crews hit a gas line on Washington Street shutting down the road and diverting traffic (bog rigs included) down Hugo Street. This street was in bad enough shape already and in need of complete rebuild (road is breaking up and the sewer underneath has fallen apart). We will need to rebuild the road it is just a matter of how soon and this traffic may have made it more urgent.
Don’t forget the farmers market on Saturday mornings and Tuesday afternoons. There are a lot of items in season now and we have most of them at the markets. I will be working the market Aug 14th and remember the Cumberland Arts goes to Market on Aug 21st where not only will we have the regular market but also a huge arts and crafts fair stretching from town hall along behind speedway to the First Baptist Church on Muessing. I will be working the info booth from 1-3 and am sponsoring the live demonstration tent.
I have formally asked for the council consensus on having the legal consultant write an ordinance allowing and supporting our officers to check the legal residency status of individuals they stop or arrest if they feel there may be an issue. I feel that illegal immigrants in this country do in fact weigh down our economy and I do feel that they take legal Americans jobs in many areas. I also feel that with other states passing legislation targeting them that they will quite possibly move to Indiana causing our state to have to deal with.
The towns National Night Out event was a big hit. We had fire trucks, K9 search and rescue units and the Indy mounted police there with three horses. Food, drinks and chips. We also had a car seat safety check where citizens could have car safety seats checked for proper installation.
We are currently in the budget process and will be having a public hearing soon to introduce it and take public comment. We will then vote on it at a subsequent meeting per state regulations. Watch for the date if you want more info and want to come to speak. I will send out a reminder once the date is set. The budget for 2011 is going to be even tighter and I am trying to hopefully find the funds for another officer for the police dept. Our officers make less than their counterparts in Greenfield and Indianapolis so it is hard to find and keep good officers but I feel the chief does a very good job of this.
The Pennsy trail is moving along and we are waiting for the delivery of the bridges. We passed a trail rules ordinance which states what the rules for use are. Basically the obvious things like pets must be on leashes, if on a bike give right of way to pedestrians, pick up after your self and your pets, etc.
We introduced and ordinance to establish a “fund” (where the money the state sends us is put until used) for the CEDIT money we have received this year and also introduced the ordinance putting the funds in the account. At this point we do not know if CEDIT will continue past Nov but we had to make a place to put the funds we are getting this year.
That is about it for now. If you have any questions just call or email and I will try to get right back to you.
Joe Siefker
Cumberland Town Council Dist 5.
News from the latest town council meeting August 4, 2010.
The city of Indy passed the operations of the water system to Citizens gas and they will in turn retain the water service advisory board which the town manager is on. I bring this up so that we will know how things are going and hopefully avoid the dramatic increase in water bills that Veolia was considering.
A couple of Tuesdays ago the road construction crews hit a gas line on Washington Street shutting down the road and diverting traffic (bog rigs included) down Hugo Street. This street was in bad enough shape already and in need of complete rebuild (road is breaking up and the sewer underneath has fallen apart). We will need to rebuild the road it is just a matter of how soon and this traffic may have made it more urgent.
Don’t forget the farmers market on Saturday mornings and Tuesday afternoons. There are a lot of items in season now and we have most of them at the markets. I will be working the market Aug 14th and remember the Cumberland Arts goes to Market on Aug 21st where not only will we have the regular market but also a huge arts and crafts fair stretching from town hall along behind speedway to the First Baptist Church on Muessing. I will be working the info booth from 1-3 and am sponsoring the live demonstration tent.
I have formally asked for the council consensus on having the legal consultant write an ordinance allowing and supporting our officers to check the legal residency status of individuals they stop or arrest if they feel there may be an issue. I feel that illegal immigrants in this country do in fact weigh down our economy and I do feel that they take legal Americans jobs in many areas. I also feel that with other states passing legislation targeting them that they will quite possibly move to Indiana causing our state to have to deal with.
The towns National Night Out event was a big hit. We had fire trucks, K9 search and rescue units and the Indy mounted police there with three horses. Food, drinks and chips. We also had a car seat safety check where citizens could have car safety seats checked for proper installation.
We are currently in the budget process and will be having a public hearing soon to introduce it and take public comment. We will then vote on it at a subsequent meeting per state regulations. Watch for the date if you want more info and want to come to speak. I will send out a reminder once the date is set. The budget for 2011 is going to be even tighter and I am trying to hopefully find the funds for another officer for the police dept. Our officers make less than their counterparts in Greenfield and Indianapolis so it is hard to find and keep good officers but I feel the chief does a very good job of this.
The Pennsy trail is moving along and we are waiting for the delivery of the bridges. We passed a trail rules ordinance which states what the rules for use are. Basically the obvious things like pets must be on leashes, if on a bike give right of way to pedestrians, pick up after your self and your pets, etc.
We introduced and ordinance to establish a “fund” (where the money the state sends us is put until used) for the CEDIT money we have received this year and also introduced the ordinance putting the funds in the account. At this point we do not know if CEDIT will continue past Nov but we had to make a place to put the funds we are getting this year.
That is about it for now. If you have any questions just call or email and I will try to get right back to you.
Joe Siefker
Cumberland Town Council Dist 5.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Town news 7/7/10
Here is the latest from the town council meeting on 7/7/10.
The IURC approved the purchase of GEM utilities but did not approve the financing. The commission, which consists of a few new persons, made the decision that a private utility owner can not sell a utility for more than what they themselves actually have invested. Meaning that there is no allowance for increased value including any portion donated to the utility by a developer. We are still looking into how they can make that determination. This statement will deter anyone from ever starting a utility in a rural area and put Indiana back about 100 yrs since it will force the state to allow well and septic systems.
We passed a water conservation ordinance that follows Indy water guidelines. This will come into play only during times of drought. The mayor of Indy can call for a water emergency and Indianapolis' water ordinance and ours comes into play restricting water of lawns, washing cars, etc until the emergency is lifted. It has been almost 30 yrs since we had a drought that required this so they are few and far between. Indy had asked all municipalities they serve to adopt some type of rules.
We also adopted a couple of changes to the large vehicle parking ordinance providing for an increasing scale of fines for future violations and the ability for the town to tow a vehicle after the 4Th offense. Large commercial/construction vehicles parked on the town streets become a safety hazard with decreased visibility around them. If residents are aware of vehicles like this being left for more than 24 hrs they should contact the town.
IN DOT has informed the town that the US40/Washington street project is 90 days behind schedule due to the rainy June. (my personal opinion is that it is due equally to the fact that the crews float from project to project day to day).
The Pennsy trail project is moving along and the two bridges are being built in the factory and will hopefully be shipped to us soon.
I have over 50 persons in the email distribution list for the farmers market and one thing I can tell everyone is that if there is something you need at the market get there early. There was a large amount of produce at this past Saturdays market and by 10:30 am it was almost all gone. If you would like to be on the email list for the eNewsletter just reply to this email and I will add you to the list.
That is about all from this past week. More in the future.
Joe Siefker
Cumberland town council.
Here is the latest from the town council meeting on 7/7/10.
The IURC approved the purchase of GEM utilities but did not approve the financing. The commission, which consists of a few new persons, made the decision that a private utility owner can not sell a utility for more than what they themselves actually have invested. Meaning that there is no allowance for increased value including any portion donated to the utility by a developer. We are still looking into how they can make that determination. This statement will deter anyone from ever starting a utility in a rural area and put Indiana back about 100 yrs since it will force the state to allow well and septic systems.
We passed a water conservation ordinance that follows Indy water guidelines. This will come into play only during times of drought. The mayor of Indy can call for a water emergency and Indianapolis' water ordinance and ours comes into play restricting water of lawns, washing cars, etc until the emergency is lifted. It has been almost 30 yrs since we had a drought that required this so they are few and far between. Indy had asked all municipalities they serve to adopt some type of rules.
We also adopted a couple of changes to the large vehicle parking ordinance providing for an increasing scale of fines for future violations and the ability for the town to tow a vehicle after the 4Th offense. Large commercial/construction vehicles parked on the town streets become a safety hazard with decreased visibility around them. If residents are aware of vehicles like this being left for more than 24 hrs they should contact the town.
IN DOT has informed the town that the US40/Washington street project is 90 days behind schedule due to the rainy June. (my personal opinion is that it is due equally to the fact that the crews float from project to project day to day).
The Pennsy trail project is moving along and the two bridges are being built in the factory and will hopefully be shipped to us soon.
I have over 50 persons in the email distribution list for the farmers market and one thing I can tell everyone is that if there is something you need at the market get there early. There was a large amount of produce at this past Saturdays market and by 10:30 am it was almost all gone. If you would like to be on the email list for the eNewsletter just reply to this email and I will add you to the list.
That is about all from this past week. More in the future.
Joe Siefker
Cumberland town council.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Town news 5/5/10
Here's the latest from the town council.
The police report that they have apprehended a couple of criminals who had pawned some stuff they stole from break ins. The police department is going to be getting a new, quicker reporting system that monitors what pawn shops take in by the serial number of the item. Be sure to make a list of everything valuable in your homes with make, model and serial number and put the list somewhere hidden.
Two Cumberland officers received special victim rights awards. Roger Wagoner won from the police dept itself and Officer Jimmy Laws won from the US District ATTY's office.
The Pennsy trail in moving along quickly. it had been almost completely cleared from the town to 600w. They will be installing a bring over Carroll rd and over buck creek and we will have a ground breaking ceremony at 10am on June 19Th at the trail head at Carroll and Warehouse st. I looked at the project last week and I think it is going to be a very nice trail for the citizens of Cumberland.
We will be looking at the contract with United water (they operate our sewer plant) as it will be up at the end of 2010. I am hoping for a reduction as it is, and has been, the largest single budget item for the utility. We are hoping that with GEM coming into the town that their employees can be cross trained to run our plant reducing the need for outside services.
If you received your tax bill a few of you may have noticed that it went up a bit. I am told that even though the town decreased our budget and the tax cap went down to its next level that we were hit with school debt issues and that the buck creek Twp portion of the town actually had a net assessed valuation decrease. I have not heard from anyone who had theirs go up but some might have. We will be working on next years budget soon and I have asked for more cuts with the exception of the police department. The towns main function should be safety then roads and infrastructure then on and on down the line.
The storm sewer board is having a meeting next Tues at 7pm at the town if you have any issues to bring up. The town council president is also the chair of this board.
No new news from the us 40 project. If you pass along there you can see the changes daily. Also please be aware that the speed limit is 30 on us40 in town and I think INDOT is planning to leave it at that or maybe 35 but not likely back up to 40 or 45.
The farmers market is now open on Sat mornings so if you have a chance stop by and pick up some fresh items. And don't forget the open house for the comprehensive plan on Sat May 15Th from 8-12. I will be there working it so stop by.
Joe Siefker
Cumberland town council.
The police report that they have apprehended a couple of criminals who had pawned some stuff they stole from break ins. The police department is going to be getting a new, quicker reporting system that monitors what pawn shops take in by the serial number of the item. Be sure to make a list of everything valuable in your homes with make, model and serial number and put the list somewhere hidden.
Two Cumberland officers received special victim rights awards. Roger Wagoner won from the police dept itself and Officer Jimmy Laws won from the US District ATTY's office.
The Pennsy trail in moving along quickly. it had been almost completely cleared from the town to 600w. They will be installing a bring over Carroll rd and over buck creek and we will have a ground breaking ceremony at 10am on June 19Th at the trail head at Carroll and Warehouse st. I looked at the project last week and I think it is going to be a very nice trail for the citizens of Cumberland.
We will be looking at the contract with United water (they operate our sewer plant) as it will be up at the end of 2010. I am hoping for a reduction as it is, and has been, the largest single budget item for the utility. We are hoping that with GEM coming into the town that their employees can be cross trained to run our plant reducing the need for outside services.
If you received your tax bill a few of you may have noticed that it went up a bit. I am told that even though the town decreased our budget and the tax cap went down to its next level that we were hit with school debt issues and that the buck creek Twp portion of the town actually had a net assessed valuation decrease. I have not heard from anyone who had theirs go up but some might have. We will be working on next years budget soon and I have asked for more cuts with the exception of the police department. The towns main function should be safety then roads and infrastructure then on and on down the line.
The storm sewer board is having a meeting next Tues at 7pm at the town if you have any issues to bring up. The town council president is also the chair of this board.
No new news from the us 40 project. If you pass along there you can see the changes daily. Also please be aware that the speed limit is 30 on us40 in town and I think INDOT is planning to leave it at that or maybe 35 but not likely back up to 40 or 45.
The farmers market is now open on Sat mornings so if you have a chance stop by and pick up some fresh items. And don't forget the open house for the comprehensive plan on Sat May 15Th from 8-12. I will be there working it so stop by.
Joe Siefker
Cumberland town council.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
What is it about ILLEGAL that our government does not get. There are laws on the books that make entering this country with out permission ILLEGAL, yet the feds will not enforce it. Enter Arizona, they pass a state law so thay can deal with all of the issues that come with illegal's by trying to cut the problem off before it gets worse and everyone, including someone else's elected leaders, are lambasting them for it. Illegals cost our country A LOT of money every year. Medical, education, food, housing, tax refunds, etc.
I wonder if anyone knows that in Mexico it is Illegal to enter their country, Illegal to work there with out a visa and even if you move there and buy a business you CAN NOT work in your own shop if a native mexican is qualified and available to work there. You go to prison, Mexican prison, no tv's, lounge chairs, computers, steak dinners like our prisons if you break these laws.
WOW, maybe we should all leave, become citizens of mexico then sneak back here. We would have it made.
I wonder if anyone knows that in Mexico it is Illegal to enter their country, Illegal to work there with out a visa and even if you move there and buy a business you CAN NOT work in your own shop if a native mexican is qualified and available to work there. You go to prison, Mexican prison, no tv's, lounge chairs, computers, steak dinners like our prisons if you break these laws.
WOW, maybe we should all leave, become citizens of mexico then sneak back here. We would have it made.
Friday, April 23, 2010
health care underhaul
Soooooo. The great health care overhaul is going to actually cost more money not save it. That must be what the great and powerful Pelosi was talking about when she said vote for it and we will see what is in it. Pay no attention to the idiot behind the curtain. Who would have thought they were lying to us.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Tax Freedom Day
The National Tax Freedom day is approaching fast. No I am not talking about the April 15th deadline for filing your personal income tax return. I am not talking about the day that taxes will be abolished (none of us will live long enough to see that day). I am talking about the day that the average taxpayer quits working for the federal, state and local government. The average tax payer will work until April 9th before you have earned enough to pay you annual tax obligations. After the 9th you can finally use your hard earned dollars to pay for your personal expenses and then maybe save a penny or two for the proverbial rainy day. The reality is that we pay more in taxes than we spend on food, clothing and shelter (Per the March 2010 Tax Foundation Special Report).
These calculations do not take into consideration the current year's deficit. If the federal government were to try and collect enough tax revenue to offset the deficit, it would extend Tax Freedom day to May 17 (another 38 days).
The Tax Freedom day takes into consideration all taxes paid at the federal, state and local level. The average American in 2010 works a little over 99 days to pay for taxes:
· 32 days to pay federal, state and local income tax
· 25 days to pay for social insurance taxes
· 15 days for sales and excise taxes
· 12 days to cover property taxes
· 8 days for corporate taxes (taxes passed onto consumers)
· 6 days to cover miscellaneous other taxes
· 12 hours for estate and gift taxes
Happy day for us. Wait until next year when they raise our taxes to pay for the trillions they are short last year and this. Tax freedom day will be later for sure.
These calculations do not take into consideration the current year's deficit. If the federal government were to try and collect enough tax revenue to offset the deficit, it would extend Tax Freedom day to May 17 (another 38 days).
The Tax Freedom day takes into consideration all taxes paid at the federal, state and local level. The average American in 2010 works a little over 99 days to pay for taxes:
· 32 days to pay federal, state and local income tax
· 25 days to pay for social insurance taxes
· 15 days for sales and excise taxes
· 12 days to cover property taxes
· 8 days for corporate taxes (taxes passed onto consumers)
· 6 days to cover miscellaneous other taxes
· 12 hours for estate and gift taxes
Happy day for us. Wait until next year when they raise our taxes to pay for the trillions they are short last year and this. Tax freedom day will be later for sure.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Health bill
here is the crap that the dems have put in the health bill. registered sex offenders get free viagra from the us govt. this tid bit is from the senate on 3/24 where the GOP was trying to get this kind of crap out.
By 57-42, Democrats rejected an amendment by Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., barring federal purchases of Viagra and other erectile dysfunction drugs for sex offenders. Coburn said it would save millions, while Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., called it "a crass political stunt."
Isn't nice to know that thesocialist regime in this country is willing to help sex offenders get it up so they can attack our children.
By 57-42, Democrats rejected an amendment by Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., barring federal purchases of Viagra and other erectile dysfunction drugs for sex offenders. Coburn said it would save millions, while Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., called it "a crass political stunt."
Isn't nice to know that thesocialist regime in this country is willing to help sex offenders get it up so they can attack our children.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Town and council news 3/3/10
Hope all is well with everyone. Some news from the town and town council meeting last night.
It has been a while but we have introduced an ordinance prohibiting the parking of semi-tractors and or trailers, utility trailers, large commercial vehicles, etc on town streets. This will take effect at the next meeting if it is voted in by the council. It is a safety hazard to have large vehicles like this parked and left on the streets. Private citizen driveways are not covered by the ordinance and allowances are made for construction vehicles parked at a house during work. It basically restrict vehicles with a payload of over 2000lbs. and trailers.
The town is also looking at a water emergency ordinance at the request of Indianapolis water to cover the town in case of a severe drought. We are currently evaluating ordinances from a few other towns surrounding Indy and will be working on our own plan.
We have allowed the town manager to hire a temp assistant who can help manage some of the smaller projects in the town due to the large projects we have going (us40, sewer interceptor, pennsy trail, buck creek trail, etc as well as the other local boards the town requires him to be on). It will likely be for a 2 yr period.
Also the town clerk is interviewing for a billing clerk position. Persons interested can send a resume to the town clerk/treasurers office (Grace Heck) by 3/8/10. The qualification for the position include an accounting background, computer knowledge including excel and be a town resident.
Myself and a few residents are still trying to get the sanitary sewer board to look into changing the rates back to where they were more than a year ago in regards to the usage calculations. Last year the town council president (who is also pres of the sanitary board by town ordinance) asked for a committee to be set up (I felt this was a waste of time) then to work with the financial consultant. It has not yet happened and now with a new council president comes a new sanitary board president it has started over again.
We have passed a ordinance to start working towards a town court. The Judge will have to be elected during the next town elections (2011) and we are working on the whole structure of the court from hours, days, rules, etc. This will enable the town to be more efficient and actually retain more of the fees collected from fines and tickets. As it stands right now most of the money collected from a fine goes to either Marion or Hancock county courts and we see only about 5% and have to pay officers to take time to go to court in Indy or Greenfield.
Ted Brindle was at the meeting to remind everyone of the airshow which will be the 11-13 June at Mt Comfort airport.
Hope all is well with everyone. Some news from the town and town council meeting last night.
It has been a while but we have introduced an ordinance prohibiting the parking of semi-tractors and or trailers, utility trailers, large commercial vehicles, etc on town streets. This will take effect at the next meeting if it is voted in by the council. It is a safety hazard to have large vehicles like this parked and left on the streets. Private citizen driveways are not covered by the ordinance and allowances are made for construction vehicles parked at a house during work. It basically restrict vehicles with a payload of over 2000lbs. and trailers.
The town is also looking at a water emergency ordinance at the request of Indianapolis water to cover the town in case of a severe drought. We are currently evaluating ordinances from a few other towns surrounding Indy and will be working on our own plan.
We have allowed the town manager to hire a temp assistant who can help manage some of the smaller projects in the town due to the large projects we have going (us40, sewer interceptor, pennsy trail, buck creek trail, etc as well as the other local boards the town requires him to be on). It will likely be for a 2 yr period.
Also the town clerk is interviewing for a billing clerk position. Persons interested can send a resume to the town clerk/treasurers office (Grace Heck) by 3/8/10. The qualification for the position include an accounting background, computer knowledge including excel and be a town resident.
Myself and a few residents are still trying to get the sanitary sewer board to look into changing the rates back to where they were more than a year ago in regards to the usage calculations. Last year the town council president (who is also pres of the sanitary board by town ordinance) asked for a committee to be set up (I felt this was a waste of time) then to work with the financial consultant. It has not yet happened and now with a new council president comes a new sanitary board president it has started over again.
We have passed a ordinance to start working towards a town court. The Judge will have to be elected during the next town elections (2011) and we are working on the whole structure of the court from hours, days, rules, etc. This will enable the town to be more efficient and actually retain more of the fees collected from fines and tickets. As it stands right now most of the money collected from a fine goes to either Marion or Hancock county courts and we see only about 5% and have to pay officers to take time to go to court in Indy or Greenfield.
Ted Brindle was at the meeting to remind everyone of the airshow which will be the 11-13 June at Mt Comfort airport.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Town news 2/3/10
News in the town from the recent council meeting.
The east sanitary interceptor is coming along well and should be done by late spring. More good news on that front is that the bids and work have come in under budget so the state has allowed us to build a northbound spur off of it to the edge of U.S.40. The money for the project, if you remember, has come from the stimulus and state grants so they have some say in the extra funds.
This does come at a rather perfect time since the town was informed that the apartments on 40 just east of 700w (Eastway apts) has been cited. There are a lot of apartments there and they are all on a large septic system which is failing. With this north bound pipe going to 40 they can tap in to our system and provide for a large increase in customer base as well as a sizable tap in fee. As we know, our sanitary system and treatment plant are below capacity and adding customers is the best way to keep monthly charges in check.
We have also gotten word that the state has more stimulus money that could not find a home since it needs to be spent on shovel ready project. We have been given additional money for the Pennsy trail. We had federal dollars to cover all but about a mill and we had a state grant for that portion which required a 20% match. Now we have the fed money to pay for the whole thing with no match and the state has allowed us to still use the grant money as long as it stays in the same type project which will now allow us to work on the buckcreek trail portion. This is huge because now having the ability to take trails from our district all the way to town (dairy queen, marsh, meijer) will come to fruition sooner. Still a couple of years away but not the 5 or so we figured it would take.
We also passed a resolution to allow the town to by the property on welland that sits kind of between the cumberland baptist church and the cumberland christian church. It has been appraised at over 100k and they are selling it to the town for 40k and using the rest as a tax/gift write off I believe. Thank you goes out to the owners. The town is not sure what our use of it will be just yet. Maybe part of the park system or if development comes in and wants to build there we will have the control over what type.
I can not stress enough how glad I am things like these are going our way. In meetings I have attended we are told that the best way for a community to move forward in this economy now and when it turns more postive is the have "quality of life ammenities" and we are moving that way at the perfect time.
There is a new restaurant that will be going in to the pizza hut building and a new convenience store going in next to that in the old village pantry store.
Washington street construction will begin as soon as the wather breaks so be ready for that and I believe it should be completed by fall.
We will have the farmers market again this year which will bring people into our town. The market master we have had is steping backa bit but she has done such a good job that our market is used by town around the state as a model. Thanks to Marcella Champion of her work over the years.
If you have any issues just call or email.
Joe Siefker
Councilman dist. 5
The east sanitary interceptor is coming along well and should be done by late spring. More good news on that front is that the bids and work have come in under budget so the state has allowed us to build a northbound spur off of it to the edge of U.S.40. The money for the project, if you remember, has come from the stimulus and state grants so they have some say in the extra funds.
This does come at a rather perfect time since the town was informed that the apartments on 40 just east of 700w (Eastway apts) has been cited. There are a lot of apartments there and they are all on a large septic system which is failing. With this north bound pipe going to 40 they can tap in to our system and provide for a large increase in customer base as well as a sizable tap in fee. As we know, our sanitary system and treatment plant are below capacity and adding customers is the best way to keep monthly charges in check.
We have also gotten word that the state has more stimulus money that could not find a home since it needs to be spent on shovel ready project. We have been given additional money for the Pennsy trail. We had federal dollars to cover all but about a mill and we had a state grant for that portion which required a 20% match. Now we have the fed money to pay for the whole thing with no match and the state has allowed us to still use the grant money as long as it stays in the same type project which will now allow us to work on the buckcreek trail portion. This is huge because now having the ability to take trails from our district all the way to town (dairy queen, marsh, meijer) will come to fruition sooner. Still a couple of years away but not the 5 or so we figured it would take.
We also passed a resolution to allow the town to by the property on welland that sits kind of between the cumberland baptist church and the cumberland christian church. It has been appraised at over 100k and they are selling it to the town for 40k and using the rest as a tax/gift write off I believe. Thank you goes out to the owners. The town is not sure what our use of it will be just yet. Maybe part of the park system or if development comes in and wants to build there we will have the control over what type.
I can not stress enough how glad I am things like these are going our way. In meetings I have attended we are told that the best way for a community to move forward in this economy now and when it turns more postive is the have "quality of life ammenities" and we are moving that way at the perfect time.
There is a new restaurant that will be going in to the pizza hut building and a new convenience store going in next to that in the old village pantry store.
Washington street construction will begin as soon as the wather breaks so be ready for that and I believe it should be completed by fall.
We will have the farmers market again this year which will bring people into our town. The market master we have had is steping backa bit but she has done such a good job that our market is used by town around the state as a model. Thanks to Marcella Champion of her work over the years.
If you have any issues just call or email.
Joe Siefker
Councilman dist. 5
Well, the latest report from europe is that although those countries have been in the same recession as we have, they have a new problem. A good number of them are about to default on loans due to the inability to repay debt from years of massive spending. They are, in my opinion, socialist countries that spend, spend, spend feeling it is the job of big government to control everything and just tax the citizens to pay for it.
Well they are taxed about as much as they can be and the unemployment rates are above their traditional level of 10-12%. Now they have so much debt from being on spending sprees that they may not be able to pay it off which will of course collapse their economies and since everyone and everything on the planet is connected we will feel the shock waves as well.
But, not to fear. Our president has been on a mission to spend more than all of europe combined with his BIG government, BIG spending inititives. We are already so far in debt that our grandchildren will not be able to pay it off. Of course he has his team trying to tell us that they will spend now and cut back later to get the deficit (1.6trillion in the new budget) and the national debt down. When has the federal government ever been able to control itself. They set themselves up for obligations they can not meet.
I will say it again here as I have said before. Our unempoyment rate is going to stay above 10% into the distant future and spending by washington, if left unopposed, will continue to increase each and every year. It is a world economy and America is now locked in with the rest of the world where unemployment is routinely above 10%.
We have had to have the latest everything at the cheapest price and wonder why there are no jobs when we demand high pay. How much do you expect to make an hour building $99 dvd players. So it gets outsourced to asia.
Toyota has spent so much time and money convincing americans that they are the best and now we find that they too are capable of cutting corners with total disregard for customers safety. A lot of americans have spent the last 10-20 years carrying the japanese flag and now see how upset they all are now. They could have very likely put all american auto companies out of business and think what thing would be like right now if that would have happened.
Think about it.
Well they are taxed about as much as they can be and the unemployment rates are above their traditional level of 10-12%. Now they have so much debt from being on spending sprees that they may not be able to pay it off which will of course collapse their economies and since everyone and everything on the planet is connected we will feel the shock waves as well.
But, not to fear. Our president has been on a mission to spend more than all of europe combined with his BIG government, BIG spending inititives. We are already so far in debt that our grandchildren will not be able to pay it off. Of course he has his team trying to tell us that they will spend now and cut back later to get the deficit (1.6trillion in the new budget) and the national debt down. When has the federal government ever been able to control itself. They set themselves up for obligations they can not meet.
I will say it again here as I have said before. Our unempoyment rate is going to stay above 10% into the distant future and spending by washington, if left unopposed, will continue to increase each and every year. It is a world economy and America is now locked in with the rest of the world where unemployment is routinely above 10%.
We have had to have the latest everything at the cheapest price and wonder why there are no jobs when we demand high pay. How much do you expect to make an hour building $99 dvd players. So it gets outsourced to asia.
Toyota has spent so much time and money convincing americans that they are the best and now we find that they too are capable of cutting corners with total disregard for customers safety. A lot of americans have spent the last 10-20 years carrying the japanese flag and now see how upset they all are now. They could have very likely put all american auto companies out of business and think what thing would be like right now if that would have happened.
Think about it.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
The economy
I guess my big beef is that we (americans) did this to ourselves. We constantly have to have the next big thing and at the cheapest price. Since we do not work in the sector of industry that make the product we could care less if it puts someone out of a job, "it's not me", until we realize now that them being out of work leaves them no money to spend in our sector. So we had to pay the feds to take care of the others. Fewer and fewer left working have to pay to take care of more and more jobless. We can't blame business for making things cheaper somewhere else so we can buy it cheaper here. Now we keep asking the Feds to do more and spend more. They do not have money of thier own they take it from us, now or in the future.
town news 1/20/10
Well all,
Not much new news from the town right now. We had the insurance carrier for town employee insurance plan raise the rates by 40% this year which was way more than expected so the town manager has been working with the employees and the carrier to work out some options and we believe we have it taken care of with out costing the town to much more money.
We have had some memebers of boards and councils for the town looking to step down and now would be a great time to get involved with our community. We have a lot going on and it is a good time to be a part of it all. That is what makes our state attractive is citizens being involved and helping to shape our cities and towns. If you are interested you can let me know or call the town manager, Jeff Sheridan, for more info.
The town has been offered the opportunity to purchas some land for a VERY reasonable price and we have decided to go ahead with it. We may use it for a future park or can sell it for development but by owning it we have more control over what is built there. It has been on the radar of a couple of subsidized housing developers so we can now prevent those kinds of uses.
If I did not put it in the last note. I am now the vice president of the town council and on tuesday I was elected secretary of the executive board for the Hancock County Economic Developement Council which I have been on the regular board for 2 years now.
We had a guest speaker who works for a site selection firm and when they are going through a selection process for companies looking to expand in the mid west, Indiana continually comes in at one of the top 2 spots so that is good news for us and our state. Indiana is also better off economically that the surrounding states. I also think Cumberland is set up in a great position as far as local economics goes. The west and north side of indy are built out far enough that companies are really starting to look at the east side and Hancock county in particular and with the recent work we have going on in Cumberland we should really get noticed. The speaker gave some ideas for town and counties to do to get themselves noticed by corporate america and they include and good web site, infrastructure, interstate access, value of life aspects (parks, trails, utilities,etc) all of which we just happen to be completing right now. I am very excited about the future here and with being part of the HEDC we get more noticed by county officials as well.
The washington street, pensy trail, east sewer interceptor should all be finished in 2010.
Hurray for us. That's about all for now. I will be putting out business cards with my contacts on it in your mailboxes soon so everyone will know how to get a hold of me.
Joe Siefker
Town councilman dist 5
Not much new news from the town right now. We had the insurance carrier for town employee insurance plan raise the rates by 40% this year which was way more than expected so the town manager has been working with the employees and the carrier to work out some options and we believe we have it taken care of with out costing the town to much more money.
We have had some memebers of boards and councils for the town looking to step down and now would be a great time to get involved with our community. We have a lot going on and it is a good time to be a part of it all. That is what makes our state attractive is citizens being involved and helping to shape our cities and towns. If you are interested you can let me know or call the town manager, Jeff Sheridan, for more info.
The town has been offered the opportunity to purchas some land for a VERY reasonable price and we have decided to go ahead with it. We may use it for a future park or can sell it for development but by owning it we have more control over what is built there. It has been on the radar of a couple of subsidized housing developers so we can now prevent those kinds of uses.
If I did not put it in the last note. I am now the vice president of the town council and on tuesday I was elected secretary of the executive board for the Hancock County Economic Developement Council which I have been on the regular board for 2 years now.
We had a guest speaker who works for a site selection firm and when they are going through a selection process for companies looking to expand in the mid west, Indiana continually comes in at one of the top 2 spots so that is good news for us and our state. Indiana is also better off economically that the surrounding states. I also think Cumberland is set up in a great position as far as local economics goes. The west and north side of indy are built out far enough that companies are really starting to look at the east side and Hancock county in particular and with the recent work we have going on in Cumberland we should really get noticed. The speaker gave some ideas for town and counties to do to get themselves noticed by corporate america and they include and good web site, infrastructure, interstate access, value of life aspects (parks, trails, utilities,etc) all of which we just happen to be completing right now. I am very excited about the future here and with being part of the HEDC we get more noticed by county officials as well.
The washington street, pensy trail, east sewer interceptor should all be finished in 2010.
Hurray for us. That's about all for now. I will be putting out business cards with my contacts on it in your mailboxes soon so everyone will know how to get a hold of me.
Joe Siefker
Town councilman dist 5
Thursday, January 21, 2010
We are learning!
Well the voters of Massachusetts have spoken and regardless of the Left saying it was a knee jerk reaction, I feel it is more of a reaction to jerks in D.C. The president and his minions have continuously said that Bush made the mess that they have to clean up. They spent 12 months convincing and brain washing Americans into believing that. The fact is that Democrats controlled the house and senate since 2006 NOT 2008 and there is not a chance that Bush could have signed anything into law that the liberals had not sent him.
They did such a good job of imposing fear on Americans that a majority elected a man and a group of control freaks who have spent 12 months intruding into every aspect of our lives and spending more money that our future generations could possibly repay. The proof of this is given by the example of the tea party groups and the example of how the mainstream media cowers to the president by not acknowledging those groups and their gatherings.
I already feel sorry for our children and grandchildren when the bill for this spending shows up in the mail, because it will be hard to turn it around now.
Look at the record of how healthcare reform got to where it is. Mr. Reid had to pay off other senators to get the votes he needed. Mr. Barney Frank, when asked, said flat out that there is no way that all or even a few of the senators had the time to read and understand the bill before they voted on it. Can you believe that? He basically said that he was willing to vote for it because his party said to. There’s a responsible elected official for you.
To me government should concern its self with providing infrastructure, fostering economic growth, protecting its citizens via local police and emergency services up to nation military, control its boarders and protecting citizens from harmful products.
As citizens we need to take some responsibility for ourselves as well and stop asking the government to get involved every time we have a disagreement with corporate America. We have more power than we realize we just need to take the time to get involved and get organized. We should have done something to pull the reins on the mortgage lending practices that helped get us in this mess in the first place. We need to stop trying to see how little we can pay for product because everyone knows that products made in other countries cost less because those citizens are paid less. Running to the Wal-Mart’s of the world to save a buck ends up costing us more because they put Americans out of work. The buck we saved then has to go to the government to provide for the unemployed so in the end we really save nothing.
Be proud of your work and be proud of your neighbors work buy purchasing products made here by you and your fellow Americans. If we act responsible and take responsibility the ship will stay afloat with out big brother intervening. We are suffering from a lack of pride and a lack of loyalty.
They did such a good job of imposing fear on Americans that a majority elected a man and a group of control freaks who have spent 12 months intruding into every aspect of our lives and spending more money that our future generations could possibly repay. The proof of this is given by the example of the tea party groups and the example of how the mainstream media cowers to the president by not acknowledging those groups and their gatherings.
I already feel sorry for our children and grandchildren when the bill for this spending shows up in the mail, because it will be hard to turn it around now.
Look at the record of how healthcare reform got to where it is. Mr. Reid had to pay off other senators to get the votes he needed. Mr. Barney Frank, when asked, said flat out that there is no way that all or even a few of the senators had the time to read and understand the bill before they voted on it. Can you believe that? He basically said that he was willing to vote for it because his party said to. There’s a responsible elected official for you.
To me government should concern its self with providing infrastructure, fostering economic growth, protecting its citizens via local police and emergency services up to nation military, control its boarders and protecting citizens from harmful products.
As citizens we need to take some responsibility for ourselves as well and stop asking the government to get involved every time we have a disagreement with corporate America. We have more power than we realize we just need to take the time to get involved and get organized. We should have done something to pull the reins on the mortgage lending practices that helped get us in this mess in the first place. We need to stop trying to see how little we can pay for product because everyone knows that products made in other countries cost less because those citizens are paid less. Running to the Wal-Mart’s of the world to save a buck ends up costing us more because they put Americans out of work. The buck we saved then has to go to the government to provide for the unemployed so in the end we really save nothing.
Be proud of your work and be proud of your neighbors work buy purchasing products made here by you and your fellow Americans. If we act responsible and take responsibility the ship will stay afloat with out big brother intervening. We are suffering from a lack of pride and a lack of loyalty.
Friday, January 8, 2010
council mtg 1/6/2010
Town news 1/8/2010
At the town council meeting on Jan 6th Don Engerer was voted in as president and I was voted in a vice president.
We had a presentation from Mat Klein director of Indianapolis water. They are currently in the process of asking the Indiana utility regulatory commission for another rate increase. They had an emergency one this summer of 10% and are now asking for an additional 35% which if approved will take effect by summers end.
The issue, as he states it is that most utilities have about 15% of their debt in variable rate bonds and that IWWD had almost 60% when he took over in March of 2009. Then with the economic situation being what it is, the bonds were adjusted by the holders to a shorter payoff and a higher rate which meant that they could in no way make the payments. He has since gotten all of the debt into fixed rates.
He stated that they are about, if I got this right, 918 million in debt with more federal mandates coming in and the need to build safety and backup supply methods has forced them to ask for this increase. Most residents will see about $8-10 dollars a month more on their water bill. This will not change the sewer bills or rates. Those are set by the town and I am still trying to get them down.
He also discussed the water conservation ordinance that Marion county put into effect this year. The town being in two counties is looking at a similar ordinance but it would really only effect the Hancock county side since the Marion ordinance would take precedent. It basically says that during drought times the mayor of Indianapolis can declare a water emergency which would restrict water of lawns, washing of cars at home, filling of pools, etc. until the all clear is given. The reason for the ordinance is that the water company, at times of drought, can not keep up with normal demand forcing them to spend more to bring in backup or over work their equipment.
I think residents in my district do a fairly good job of conserving already so I do not anticipate this being much of an issue.
We also passed the ordinance for the Fire contract that I negotiated with Buck Creek fire department. We recently paid 180 thousand for 2008 and 190 thousand for 2009. They had asked a couple of years ago to have us pay 250 thousand but I felt that was to much of an increase. It would have meant that the Cumberland portion of Buck Creek township would be paying about 1/3 of their budget but we only have about 25% of the number of homes. I also feel that we have an economy of scale on our side as we are a big portion or their budget in one contract. We were also given the option of giving up fire coverage by the town and allowing the township to bill directly on our tax bills. I did not feel that was a viable option at this time as it would have meant our property tax bills going up with no control over how much.
The agreement we reached is that we would increase or payments by 10 thousand each of the next 2 years to finish out the contract then we can evaluate what we can do from there. This would put us at 210 thousand by 2011. Compared to 250 thousand a year that they were asking for we saved 150 thousand over the three year contract.
Winter is here so everyone stay warm and safe and let us know of any issues or concerns.
Joe Siefker
Town councilman dist 5
At the town council meeting on Jan 6th Don Engerer was voted in as president and I was voted in a vice president.
We had a presentation from Mat Klein director of Indianapolis water. They are currently in the process of asking the Indiana utility regulatory commission for another rate increase. They had an emergency one this summer of 10% and are now asking for an additional 35% which if approved will take effect by summers end.
The issue, as he states it is that most utilities have about 15% of their debt in variable rate bonds and that IWWD had almost 60% when he took over in March of 2009. Then with the economic situation being what it is, the bonds were adjusted by the holders to a shorter payoff and a higher rate which meant that they could in no way make the payments. He has since gotten all of the debt into fixed rates.
He stated that they are about, if I got this right, 918 million in debt with more federal mandates coming in and the need to build safety and backup supply methods has forced them to ask for this increase. Most residents will see about $8-10 dollars a month more on their water bill. This will not change the sewer bills or rates. Those are set by the town and I am still trying to get them down.
He also discussed the water conservation ordinance that Marion county put into effect this year. The town being in two counties is looking at a similar ordinance but it would really only effect the Hancock county side since the Marion ordinance would take precedent. It basically says that during drought times the mayor of Indianapolis can declare a water emergency which would restrict water of lawns, washing of cars at home, filling of pools, etc. until the all clear is given. The reason for the ordinance is that the water company, at times of drought, can not keep up with normal demand forcing them to spend more to bring in backup or over work their equipment.
I think residents in my district do a fairly good job of conserving already so I do not anticipate this being much of an issue.
We also passed the ordinance for the Fire contract that I negotiated with Buck Creek fire department. We recently paid 180 thousand for 2008 and 190 thousand for 2009. They had asked a couple of years ago to have us pay 250 thousand but I felt that was to much of an increase. It would have meant that the Cumberland portion of Buck Creek township would be paying about 1/3 of their budget but we only have about 25% of the number of homes. I also feel that we have an economy of scale on our side as we are a big portion or their budget in one contract. We were also given the option of giving up fire coverage by the town and allowing the township to bill directly on our tax bills. I did not feel that was a viable option at this time as it would have meant our property tax bills going up with no control over how much.
The agreement we reached is that we would increase or payments by 10 thousand each of the next 2 years to finish out the contract then we can evaluate what we can do from there. This would put us at 210 thousand by 2011. Compared to 250 thousand a year that they were asking for we saved 150 thousand over the three year contract.
Winter is here so everyone stay warm and safe and let us know of any issues or concerns.
Joe Siefker
Town councilman dist 5
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