Here is the latest from the town council meeting on 7/7/10.
The IURC approved the purchase of GEM utilities but did not approve the financing. The commission, which consists of a few new persons, made the decision that a private utility owner can not sell a utility for more than what they themselves actually have invested. Meaning that there is no allowance for increased value including any portion donated to the utility by a developer. We are still looking into how they can make that determination. This statement will deter anyone from ever starting a utility in a rural area and put Indiana back about 100 yrs since it will force the state to allow well and septic systems.
We passed a water conservation ordinance that follows Indy water guidelines. This will come into play only during times of drought. The mayor of Indy can call for a water emergency and Indianapolis' water ordinance and ours comes into play restricting water of lawns, washing cars, etc until the emergency is lifted. It has been almost 30 yrs since we had a drought that required this so they are few and far between. Indy had asked all municipalities they serve to adopt some type of rules.
We also adopted a couple of changes to the large vehicle parking ordinance providing for an increasing scale of fines for future violations and the ability for the town to tow a vehicle after the 4Th offense. Large commercial/construction vehicles parked on the town streets become a safety hazard with decreased visibility around them. If residents are aware of vehicles like this being left for more than 24 hrs they should contact the town.
IN DOT has informed the town that the US40/Washington street project is 90 days behind schedule due to the rainy June. (my personal opinion is that it is due equally to the fact that the crews float from project to project day to day).
The Pennsy trail project is moving along and the two bridges are being built in the factory and will hopefully be shipped to us soon.
I have over 50 persons in the email distribution list for the farmers market and one thing I can tell everyone is that if there is something you need at the market get there early. There was a large amount of produce at this past Saturdays market and by 10:30 am it was almost all gone. If you would like to be on the email list for the eNewsletter just reply to this email and I will add you to the list.
That is about all from this past week. More in the future.
Joe Siefker
Cumberland town council.