Well all,
Not much new news from the town right now. We had the insurance carrier for town employee insurance plan raise the rates by 40% this year which was way more than expected so the town manager has been working with the employees and the carrier to work out some options and we believe we have it taken care of with out costing the town to much more money.
We have had some memebers of boards and councils for the town looking to step down and now would be a great time to get involved with our community. We have a lot going on and it is a good time to be a part of it all. That is what makes our state attractive is citizens being involved and helping to shape our cities and towns. If you are interested you can let me know or call the town manager, Jeff Sheridan, for more info.
The town has been offered the opportunity to purchas some land for a VERY reasonable price and we have decided to go ahead with it. We may use it for a future park or can sell it for development but by owning it we have more control over what is built there. It has been on the radar of a couple of subsidized housing developers so we can now prevent those kinds of uses.
If I did not put it in the last note. I am now the vice president of the town council and on tuesday I was elected secretary of the executive board for the Hancock County Economic Developement Council which I have been on the regular board for 2 years now.
We had a guest speaker who works for a site selection firm and when they are going through a selection process for companies looking to expand in the mid west, Indiana continually comes in at one of the top 2 spots so that is good news for us and our state. Indiana is also better off economically that the surrounding states. I also think Cumberland is set up in a great position as far as local economics goes. The west and north side of indy are built out far enough that companies are really starting to look at the east side and Hancock county in particular and with the recent work we have going on in Cumberland we should really get noticed. The speaker gave some ideas for town and counties to do to get themselves noticed by corporate america and they include and good web site, infrastructure, interstate access, value of life aspects (parks, trails, utilities,etc) all of which we just happen to be completing right now. I am very excited about the future here and with being part of the HEDC we get more noticed by county officials as well.
The washington street, pensy trail, east sewer interceptor should all be finished in 2010.
Hurray for us. That's about all for now. I will be putting out business cards with my contacts on it in your mailboxes soon so everyone will know how to get a hold of me.
Joe Siefker
Town councilman dist 5