Thursday, January 21, 2010

We are learning!

Well the voters of Massachusetts have spoken and regardless of the Left saying it was a knee jerk reaction, I feel it is more of a reaction to jerks in D.C. The president and his minions have continuously said that Bush made the mess that they have to clean up. They spent 12 months convincing and brain washing Americans into believing that. The fact is that Democrats controlled the house and senate since 2006 NOT 2008 and there is not a chance that Bush could have signed anything into law that the liberals had not sent him.
They did such a good job of imposing fear on Americans that a majority elected a man and a group of control freaks who have spent 12 months intruding into every aspect of our lives and spending more money that our future generations could possibly repay. The proof of this is given by the example of the tea party groups and the example of how the mainstream media cowers to the president by not acknowledging those groups and their gatherings.
I already feel sorry for our children and grandchildren when the bill for this spending shows up in the mail, because it will be hard to turn it around now.
Look at the record of how healthcare reform got to where it is. Mr. Reid had to pay off other senators to get the votes he needed. Mr. Barney Frank, when asked, said flat out that there is no way that all or even a few of the senators had the time to read and understand the bill before they voted on it. Can you believe that? He basically said that he was willing to vote for it because his party said to. There’s a responsible elected official for you.
To me government should concern its self with providing infrastructure, fostering economic growth, protecting its citizens via local police and emergency services up to nation military, control its boarders and protecting citizens from harmful products.
As citizens we need to take some responsibility for ourselves as well and stop asking the government to get involved every time we have a disagreement with corporate America. We have more power than we realize we just need to take the time to get involved and get organized. We should have done something to pull the reins on the mortgage lending practices that helped get us in this mess in the first place. We need to stop trying to see how little we can pay for product because everyone knows that products made in other countries cost less because those citizens are paid less. Running to the Wal-Mart’s of the world to save a buck ends up costing us more because they put Americans out of work. The buck we saved then has to go to the government to provide for the unemployed so in the end we really save nothing.
Be proud of your work and be proud of your neighbors work buy purchasing products made here by you and your fellow Americans. If we act responsible and take responsibility the ship will stay afloat with out big brother intervening. We are suffering from a lack of pride and a lack of loyalty.