Thursday, June 18, 2009

In the town 6/09

The town coucil last night approved a new town brand (logo). Which will be showing up in the future. I, and we, feel that the council is trying very hard to make a NEW Cumberland not just the same old one with a new sign. With everything that is going on, Washington street rebuild, the street scape, east intercept for the sewer and the pensy trail system it was imparitive that we make any brand changes now before the ordering of the signage and things begin.
It is a real nice piece. It should be available for viewing at the town hall and on the web site shortly. It is a round logo of country blue color with a red curving road (us40) running through it and has a sillouette of the Indy sky line, old town Cumberland and a us40 sign. All elements can be extracted and used on various sings, letter head etc.
I, and we, are very excited about the new look for the new Cumberland we are trying to form. We hope you will agree that it is a good look for the town as we move forward.
On another item, I again asked last night that the sanitary sewer board review the current sewer billing rates. I feel it has taken far to long to address this issue and many of you have also voiced your concerns. Going to the current 4.21 from the old 4.00 per unit at using 5 units a month will cost about a buck but I feel the biggest issue is with the minimum of 4 units/month regardless of actual usage can cost 10-20 dollars a month if citizens not only use less than 4 but even if they use more in a month where Indy water uses an estimated usage. Hopefully that explaination is not confusing. A comprimise may be to let the 4.21 stand but bill actual usage rather than a minimum. I would rather it all go back to rates from the past x number of years since the sewer fund got by on what it was taking in in those years.
It appears that the developer (M/I homes) has withdrawn it's request for a zoning change at us40 and 600w due to opposition from citizens and county council members. I did meet with our councilman, Derek Towle and discussed our concerns. I, and I think most of you, feel that that corner will become one of the main focal points of hancock county and we should stick to our desire for nice, attractive developement with stores and businesses that we want to frequent. Thanks to those of you who also called the councilmen to express your thoughts.