1, there will be a small antique tractor/steam engine show at the Saturday farmers market on june 6. Also they are doing the market coop again this year with a farm tour on 6/27 and a new event "art goes to market" on aug 8th with an art show on some of the streets on and off of south muessing.
2, Bad news. Indianapolis water (veolia) and the metro water sewer advisory board has decided to raise the rates for water service for all of marion and surrounding counties that are serviced by veolia. That means us included. No info yet as to how much the rates will go up. The town has no plans to raise it's sewer rates and this increase will not effect the sewer bills as it is on a per usage basis. I am still trying to get the town sanitary sewer board to make the changes to our ordinance so that everyone is charged only what they use not a flat minimum and that the rate be $4 not $4.21 per 100 cu/yd.
3, The east interceptor bids have been opened and awarded and the winning bid was about 2/3 what the engineer estimated so we are asking to use the balance of the grant money from the state that was going to cover the job to work on other shovel ready repiping or relining of existing sewer main issues in the town.
4, The parks board will be advertising for nominations for names to be placed in honors park in the paper in the near future. You should also be able to get a nomination form from the town.
5, At the next meeting we will also be looking at changing the grass hieght ordinance to make it faster (from 30 to 10days) that the town has to give after notice to mow and also add an administration fee along with the actual mowing fee that is assesed to the property owners who have not kept lawns mowed. This mostly applies to forclosed and abandonded homes where the lawn is let go and the town has to mow it to keep it presentable and keep bug levels down. The town currently has to give 30 days notice to mow and by then the grass is really long and become hazardous to the equipment when we mow and can't see what's there. The fees are placed as a lein on the property to be recouped later. We are also looking at contracting this work out as the town equipment is rather large for yards and it takes longer for our staff to do the work with hand mowers. The bill from the contractor will then be passed on with an administrative fee to the property owner/mortage holder.
Joe Siefker
Town council dist 5