Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tax Day

Well, it's tax day everyone and hope all of you are well and surviving these times. I would like to give an update on the town projects. The street work on Washington is moving along and the east interceptor for the sewer system and the trail project are also.
To date the town has obtained more than 5million in stimulus monies from the state and federal programs for these projects.
Weather you agree with the stimulus and bailout packages really does not matter to our President in Washington. They are a done, signed, sealed and being delivered.
Here again is my stance - that even if we don't agree (which I do NOT) we will not be able to say the the U.S. government that since we do not agree we do not want to have to help pay it back. So since myself and my fellow hoosiers and our children and their children will be asked to pay it back we should do what we can to be sure that our portion of the money actually gets spent here locally. That is why I have backed our obtaining of these funds. Furthermore the town has pretty much saved up the money to do these projects already I say we save part of our money for next years budget (to help LOWER taxes), use some for projects that may not have been done this year and definately pay off some of the debt on the sewer plant (to get the operating costs down and hopefully get rates in check)
Come to the council meetings and help me get the town in order becasue I am only 1 of 5 votes and we need more citizen pressure.
Thanks and take care.