Monday, March 16, 2009


Well, I have to say something. Now the Obama administration is trying to distance itself from the BAILED OUT banks and AIG by pointing a finger and saying shame, shame, shame. They are trying to do this before telling us that the financial sector will need another bailout and they have to tell us that our future tax dollars are going to pay for it. Meanwhile, AIG handed out 165mil in bonuses to executives from the bailout money it received. When are we going to learn that the government works for us and not the other way around and when we will actually STAND UP for something and tell them NO!
I am still working toward having the towns budget decreased for next year. The one for this year had an increase and I voted NO to it. I was the only councilor but maybe I can get 2 more to side with me now that they see how out of control the federal government is getting. If next years budget has an increase I will again vote NO.