Well, I think it is time to draw some more attention to these stimulus packages. 700 billion for financials, 780+ for "economy" (aka pet projects), a few 10's of billions for housing and a few more for health care. I have posted before about how big these numbers are and how long it will take to pay it back (never).
If we as a country paid back 1 dollar every second it would take 45,000 years just to pay back what washington has spent in the last 6 months. The Presidents own budget predicts a 1.5 trillion deficit this year alone. Now deficit is NOT debt which is even bigger, but the deficit is just what they are planning to spend OVER what they plan to take in. When will this stop?
Well I have noticed that some Governers, including some dems, are not taking parts of the money being offered to them. Why you may ask? Because they can see that parts of it come with mandates that say the state has to set up a PERMANENT particular programs with the money but only provides funding for 2 years which will run out when? you guessed it. right before election time rolls around so he can claim the states can not be trusted to handle things and that the feds will have to step in to save the day once again and get him a guarenteed second term for being the one who saves us all.
I have said the town will try to get some of the infrastructure money because we will all be asked to help pay it back but I do not care for this extra.
It seems the democratic run country's answer to every problem is to throw money at it till it goes away. And throw they have.