Thursday, February 19, 2009


Alright, time for another rant. Even after the government has spent 1.5 trillion dollars on the economy (with a large amount going to line pockets) here our new Pres is saying he wants to spend another 75billion on the mortgage mess.
Let me get this straight. I was responsible with my money. I was realistic in what I could afford. I was smart enough to buy a home for less than I could actually afford. All to make sure I kept my family in a good financial situation and NOW with all of this spending going to those who were NOT like me, I am going to have to sit here and watch my present and future tax dollars as well as the taxes paid by my children and grandchildren and more get spent on people and banks who were totally irresponsible.
It kind of makes me wish that when, 4 yrs ago, I said this whole build, build, build, sub prime loans chaos would get us all in trouble i would have jumped up and bought a million dollar home since sticking one's neck out obviously is going to result in no axe falling on it.
To put it in perspective. 1 trillion. that's trillion. 1 trillion seconds is equal to 31,000 years. That is one BIG number all to rescue people who are irresponsible at best and more likely criminal. There is no chance any of our future generations will be able to pay that off. That's what we are leaving for our descendants.
Now all of this money going into all of these sectors of our daily lives, banking, mortgages, auto industry, wall street and investments, health care and so on. That is socialism. The dictionary definition is
a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.
procedure or practice in accordance with this theory.
(in Marxist theory) the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to communism, characterized by the imperfect implementation of collectivist principles.

This is exactly where we are headed with the controlling political party in Washington. Most foreign countries are this way already. France is the biggest to use as an example. Let me tell you do some research and you will see that most french pay near 70% of income towards taxes of one form or another. Here we have what we call "tax freedom day" which is the day each year were most Americans have earned enough in pay to cover what they will outlay in taxes for the year. It usually happens in late April. For France it is some time in July and getting worse. How do you like me telling you that you will need to work till the end of July just to pay uncle sam's bill. Think about it. Do we really want the government that involved in our personal lives.