Friday, August 13, 2010

Sad, sad, sad

The Demoncrats have had control of the entire federal government for almost 2 years yet the President has accomplished nothing. Nothing to get us out of the recession, nothing to decrease unemployment. The only thing he has done is increase the deficit and debt and blame others for the problems he said he could fix.
We have Nancy Pelosi, who talked about getting rid of bad apples in government and two of her parties members in her own house are in ethics troubles, Rangel and Waters (one has already played the race card). The President went through numerous Democrats to fill positions in his cabinet when he took office because they kept with drawing their names due to past tax and corruption issues.
Two more state house reps in New Hampshire are tweeting and blogging how they feel Sarah Palin should have some type of mortal injury.
The Dem governer of Illinois is currently on trial for corruption, which seems to happen a lot there.
It's just sad. I am only waiting now for them to blame the republicans for making them corrupt.

UDPATE: and we have a winner. Waters from Cal just had a press conference where she blamed Bush for her corruption.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Town News 8/4/10

District 5 News:

News from the latest town council meeting August 4, 2010.
The city of Indy passed the operations of the water system to Citizens gas and they will in turn retain the water service advisory board which the town manager is on. I bring this up so that we will know how things are going and hopefully avoid the dramatic increase in water bills that Veolia was considering.
A couple of Tuesdays ago the road construction crews hit a gas line on Washington Street shutting down the road and diverting traffic (bog rigs included) down Hugo Street. This street was in bad enough shape already and in need of complete rebuild (road is breaking up and the sewer underneath has fallen apart). We will need to rebuild the road it is just a matter of how soon and this traffic may have made it more urgent.
Don’t forget the farmers market on Saturday mornings and Tuesday afternoons. There are a lot of items in season now and we have most of them at the markets. I will be working the market Aug 14th and remember the Cumberland Arts goes to Market on Aug 21st where not only will we have the regular market but also a huge arts and crafts fair stretching from town hall along behind speedway to the First Baptist Church on Muessing. I will be working the info booth from 1-3 and am sponsoring the live demonstration tent.
I have formally asked for the council consensus on having the legal consultant write an ordinance allowing and supporting our officers to check the legal residency status of individuals they stop or arrest if they feel there may be an issue. I feel that illegal immigrants in this country do in fact weigh down our economy and I do feel that they take legal Americans jobs in many areas. I also feel that with other states passing legislation targeting them that they will quite possibly move to Indiana causing our state to have to deal with.
The towns National Night Out event was a big hit. We had fire trucks, K9 search and rescue units and the Indy mounted police there with three horses. Food, drinks and chips. We also had a car seat safety check where citizens could have car safety seats checked for proper installation.
We are currently in the budget process and will be having a public hearing soon to introduce it and take public comment. We will then vote on it at a subsequent meeting per state regulations. Watch for the date if you want more info and want to come to speak. I will send out a reminder once the date is set. The budget for 2011 is going to be even tighter and I am trying to hopefully find the funds for another officer for the police dept. Our officers make less than their counterparts in Greenfield and Indianapolis so it is hard to find and keep good officers but I feel the chief does a very good job of this.
The Pennsy trail is moving along and we are waiting for the delivery of the bridges. We passed a trail rules ordinance which states what the rules for use are. Basically the obvious things like pets must be on leashes, if on a bike give right of way to pedestrians, pick up after your self and your pets, etc.
We introduced and ordinance to establish a “fund” (where the money the state sends us is put until used) for the CEDIT money we have received this year and also introduced the ordinance putting the funds in the account. At this point we do not know if CEDIT will continue past Nov but we had to make a place to put the funds we are getting this year.
That is about it for now. If you have any questions just call or email and I will try to get right back to you.

Joe Siefker
Cumberland Town Council Dist 5.