Thursday, March 25, 2010

Health bill

here is the crap that the dems have put in the health bill. registered sex offenders get free viagra from the us govt. this tid bit is from the senate on 3/24 where the GOP was trying to get this kind of crap out.

By 57-42, Democrats rejected an amendment by Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., barring federal purchases of Viagra and other erectile dysfunction drugs for sex offenders. Coburn said it would save millions, while Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., called it "a crass political stunt."

Isn't nice to know that thesocialist regime in this country is willing to help sex offenders get it up so they can attack our children.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Town and council news 3/3/10

Hope all is well with everyone. Some news from the town and town council meeting last night.
It has been a while but we have introduced an ordinance prohibiting the parking of semi-tractors and or trailers, utility trailers, large commercial vehicles, etc on town streets. This will take effect at the next meeting if it is voted in by the council. It is a safety hazard to have large vehicles like this parked and left on the streets. Private citizen driveways are not covered by the ordinance and allowances are made for construction vehicles parked at a house during work. It basically restrict vehicles with a payload of over 2000lbs. and trailers.
The town is also looking at a water emergency ordinance at the request of Indianapolis water to cover the town in case of a severe drought. We are currently evaluating ordinances from a few other towns surrounding Indy and will be working on our own plan.
We have allowed the town manager to hire a temp assistant who can help manage some of the smaller projects in the town due to the large projects we have going (us40, sewer interceptor, pennsy trail, buck creek trail, etc as well as the other local boards the town requires him to be on). It will likely be for a 2 yr period.
Also the town clerk is interviewing for a billing clerk position. Persons interested can send a resume to the town clerk/treasurers office (Grace Heck) by 3/8/10. The qualification for the position include an accounting background, computer knowledge including excel and be a town resident.
Myself and a few residents are still trying to get the sanitary sewer board to look into changing the rates back to where they were more than a year ago in regards to the usage calculations. Last year the town council president (who is also pres of the sanitary board by town ordinance) asked for a committee to be set up (I felt this was a waste of time) then to work with the financial consultant. It has not yet happened and now with a new council president comes a new sanitary board president it has started over again.
We have passed a ordinance to start working towards a town court. The Judge will have to be elected during the next town elections (2011) and we are working on the whole structure of the court from hours, days, rules, etc. This will enable the town to be more efficient and actually retain more of the fees collected from fines and tickets. As it stands right now most of the money collected from a fine goes to either Marion or Hancock county courts and we see only about 5% and have to pay officers to take time to go to court in Indy or Greenfield.
Ted Brindle was at the meeting to remind everyone of the airshow which will be the 11-13 June at Mt Comfort airport.