Friday, November 20, 2009

town council and random thoughts

The town council again passed the ordinance for the bond issue. I was unable to attend the meeting but it passed by a large enough number that my vote would not have changed it anymore that the first time. Thanks to those citizens for going to the meeting to be heard. It does help.
One thing I wanted to toss out is that with the new surfaces on roads in the town and them being so smooth. When winter hits they will be icy so be careful.
As for random thoughts. I decided I would chime in again on the health care issue but more along the lines of how big the bill itself is. The senate version is over 2000 pages and the house version was over 1500, if I remember correctly. Does anyone believe that there is no pork in that bill. There was an example of this in an article in the Daily Reporter from Oct 9, 2009. The Indiana legistature passed the budget bill but in it was a line that states that nursing homes and the like should not be taxed on property as they function more as a non profit and that they can ask for reimbursement going back up to 10 years.
When asked by a reporter, our representative Mr Cherry said that the line had gotten in there and flew in under the radar in the version that was passed. My point exactly. We have elected officials in state and federal levels who write these monstrous bills that no one can read through completely in less than a month with out being put into a coma. It comes as no surprise to me that things like this get passed with out the majority of politicians even knowing it.
Granted the town of Cumberland is small but the ordinances that we have passed have been 3 pages tops.
We need to send a message with these next couple of elections that things need to change.
There is no way 2000 pages of bill will not have pork in there. They just won't call it "earmarks" so as to not make the President look bad since he said "no earmarks". They will just call it something else.
Healthcare WILL get more expensive. We will have less medical resources available for access and we will have longer waits (think Canada). If socialized medicine is so great why to people from other countries come here for treatment? We will have fewer facilities, fewer doctors and older equipment to be treared with. Those are my predictions. Along with this prepare yourself for higher unemployment. Why? because when the bill shows up to these companies that the feds want to have pay for it, they will just lay off staff to cover the cost and not let it come from the bottom line.
I will continue to work to the best of my ability for the people of district 5 and the town of cumberland. I have voted against higher spending as well as trying to get things done in a timely fashion and have made so ground in those areas. Especially when I have had the citizen support at the meetings.
Take care