Washington is now looking at a 2 billion dollar addition the the clunker program so that by my calculations will allow for over 660,000 car deals or lets just say that ever LEGAL U.S. resident (men, women and children) will need to give 10 bucks to someone who just bought a new vehicle, u.s. made or not.
Health care is now the poster child for government gone wrong. The following is a snip from a wall street journal article on what is will cost the tax payers he swore he would not raise taxes on when running for office. Note that he also has taken the plan from insuring the uninsured to attacking the insurance industry.
"The campaign team is intent upon protecting a pledge driven by its 2008 campaign polls: Mr. Obama promised never to raise taxes on anyone making less than $250,000 a year to avoid being labeled a tax-and-spend liberal.
Even so, Mr. Obama has already broken his no-new-taxes pledge. On Feb. 4, Mr. Obama signed a $33 billion cigarette tax increase, which fell disproportionately on lower- and middle-income individuals. And the “cap and trade” energy bill, approved by the House on June 26, is a tax on anyone who owns a light switch, uses a car key, or has bought anything manufactured, shipped or sold in the U.S.
The House version of Mr. Obama’s health-care—excuse me, “health-insurance”—reform already has four taxes that will largely be paid by people making less than $250,000 a year. There’s $8.2 billion in taxes for using health savings accounts and other tax-free medical savings vehicles to purchase over-the-counter drugs. There’s an 8% tax on employers who don’t offer insurance: The Congressional Budget Office says workers in those businesses would pay the $163 billion cost via lost wages.
There’s a 2.5% “Tax on Individuals Without Acceptable Health Care Coverage” in the House bill that applies to people who either don’t have insurance or whose policies the government deems inadequate. Finally, there’s a $2 billion “Comparative Effectiveness Research Tax” on all private and “public option” insurance policies.
If some version of ObamaCare is passed, the president will break his tax pledge several more times while adding trillions to the deficit, dismantling the best elements of our health-care system and slashing Medicare by hundreds of billions of dollars."
Obviously he is never going to be content until the government is in control of every aspect of our lives and takes every dime we make in taxes and will then give us back what they feel we actually need to survive. Sounds like soviet socialism to me.
Again, send me to washington and I will not vote in favor of any of this. Realizing I can not win such a race we at least need to get rid of those in power now.