Well, the current economic times are getting tougher as I am sure we all guessed they would. The feds say the deficit for 2009 may be 1.2 trillion and that's before President Obama's trillion dollar spending spree. I am still not sure what he thinks is going to happen with that money but most individuals will pay bills with it not spend frivolously. We are just not going to be a nation of spending any more.
I am totally convinced that the financial sector is the root cause of our current situation and yet that is the very sector the government bailed out with little reassurance or checks that they will not do it again. Sub prime loans are still out there and people are getting more house than they can afford along with adjustable rate mortgages that will run them into the ground in a couple of years just like whats happening now. Build, build, buy, buy. I saw it years ago and no one cared enough to look at it.
On another front. The new president wants to invest in alternative energy, which is great, it's what we should do but remember that as we drastically reduce our gas and oil consumption these new energies will come with HUGE taxes as we will have to pay for his spending plan plus re coupe the tax revenue lost on decreased fossil fuel taxes. It will have to come from somewhere. Not trying to be negative, I just want everyone to always look at the big picture.
Take care everyone and try to get through this. I am still working to try to actually reduce spending by the town while trying to get things done and treat all residents fairly.