Hello, I would like to convey my position on the commercial aspect of Cumberland. I have been quoted as saying we pay Carmel taxes but have none of the commercial benefits. In reality, I can say that my taxes are more than what they would be on the same value home in Carmel. I feel that our lack of commercial tax base has to be part of the cause.
We have vacant buildings, buildings in need of repair and little to define what Cumberland is. We have a streetscape project coming in the future and I feel it is time to start adding more commercial tax base.
I know that myself and my family would like to have some more restaurants to choose from. We have a local owned restaurant and a few local/national chains of pizza and sandwiches. These establishments have been a part of the town for a while and are great assets but I feel we need some new businesses to bring others to our town and give local residents more choices.
Here is where you come in. I need to know just what kinds of businesses you like to frequent. Would you like to have more choices rather than driving to another town to spend money and contribute tax dollars. I have been told by some residents who have lived here a while that the town ends up chasing away business, sometimes just be dragging things out to long. We live along the "Old National Road" and I believe that as part of the town council I can help bring Cumberland into it's own.
You can help make Cumberland an even better place just by voicing your opinion and helping the town council move our town in the right direction.
Some people say that the property along US40 is all owned by investors waitng to make money from their deal but that is true for every aspect of our lives. Our homes are an investment. Everything, including land is owned by someone but it is the towns job to see that it is developed reasonably and with regards to the citizens who live here.
Thanks for your time.