Friday, February 5, 2010

Town news 2/3/10

News in the town from the recent council meeting.

The east sanitary interceptor is coming along well and should be done by late spring. More good news on that front is that the bids and work have come in under budget so the state has allowed us to build a northbound spur off of it to the edge of U.S.40. The money for the project, if you remember, has come from the stimulus and state grants so they have some say in the extra funds.
This does come at a rather perfect time since the town was informed that the apartments on 40 just east of 700w (Eastway apts) has been cited. There are a lot of apartments there and they are all on a large septic system which is failing. With this north bound pipe going to 40 they can tap in to our system and provide for a large increase in customer base as well as a sizable tap in fee. As we know, our sanitary system and treatment plant are below capacity and adding customers is the best way to keep monthly charges in check.
We have also gotten word that the state has more stimulus money that could not find a home since it needs to be spent on shovel ready project. We have been given additional money for the Pennsy trail. We had federal dollars to cover all but about a mill and we had a state grant for that portion which required a 20% match. Now we have the fed money to pay for the whole thing with no match and the state has allowed us to still use the grant money as long as it stays in the same type project which will now allow us to work on the buckcreek trail portion. This is huge because now having the ability to take trails from our district all the way to town (dairy queen, marsh, meijer) will come to fruition sooner. Still a couple of years away but not the 5 or so we figured it would take.
We also passed a resolution to allow the town to by the property on welland that sits kind of between the cumberland baptist church and the cumberland christian church. It has been appraised at over 100k and they are selling it to the town for 40k and using the rest as a tax/gift write off I believe. Thank you goes out to the owners. The town is not sure what our use of it will be just yet. Maybe part of the park system or if development comes in and wants to build there we will have the control over what type.
I can not stress enough how glad I am things like these are going our way. In meetings I have attended we are told that the best way for a community to move forward in this economy now and when it turns more postive is the have "quality of life ammenities" and we are moving that way at the perfect time.
There is a new restaurant that will be going in to the pizza hut building and a new convenience store going in next to that in the old village pantry store.
Washington street construction will begin as soon as the wather breaks so be ready for that and I believe it should be completed by fall.
We will have the farmers market again this year which will bring people into our town. The market master we have had is steping backa bit but she has done such a good job that our market is used by town around the state as a model. Thanks to Marcella Champion of her work over the years.
If you have any issues just call or email.
Joe Siefker
Councilman dist. 5


Well, the latest report from europe is that although those countries have been in the same recession as we have, they have a new problem. A good number of them are about to default on loans due to the inability to repay debt from years of massive spending. They are, in my opinion, socialist countries that spend, spend, spend feeling it is the job of big government to control everything and just tax the citizens to pay for it.
Well they are taxed about as much as they can be and the unemployment rates are above their traditional level of 10-12%. Now they have so much debt from being on spending sprees that they may not be able to pay it off which will of course collapse their economies and since everyone and everything on the planet is connected we will feel the shock waves as well.
But, not to fear. Our president has been on a mission to spend more than all of europe combined with his BIG government, BIG spending inititives. We are already so far in debt that our grandchildren will not be able to pay it off. Of course he has his team trying to tell us that they will spend now and cut back later to get the deficit (1.6trillion in the new budget) and the national debt down. When has the federal government ever been able to control itself. They set themselves up for obligations they can not meet.
I will say it again here as I have said before. Our unempoyment rate is going to stay above 10% into the distant future and spending by washington, if left unopposed, will continue to increase each and every year. It is a world economy and America is now locked in with the rest of the world where unemployment is routinely above 10%.
We have had to have the latest everything at the cheapest price and wonder why there are no jobs when we demand high pay. How much do you expect to make an hour building $99 dvd players. So it gets outsourced to asia.
Toyota has spent so much time and money convincing americans that they are the best and now we find that they too are capable of cutting corners with total disregard for customers safety. A lot of americans have spent the last 10-20 years carrying the japanese flag and now see how upset they all are now. They could have very likely put all american auto companies out of business and think what thing would be like right now if that would have happened.
Think about it.